Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"I'm dreaming of a PINK Christmas..."

"...just like the one's I used to know!"


 "Literally, as a child, I always DREAMED in PINK at Christmas time~What little girl didn't as a child? But since years have passed & I have grown & matured, I've graduated from the plastic tea cup to the finest of china...I guess I can confess that honestly not much else has changed in my spirit & my everyday life!"


"Christmas CERTAINLY does NOT have to be confined to the TRADITIONAL red's & green's of day's past...but ESPECIALLY if you have a home BLESSED with a little PRINCESS or two...PINK will do just  elegantly FINE!"


"...so as you begin your HOLIDAY season, my greatest advice as a MOTHER & a designer, is to SIMPLY follow your HEART! And hopefully the BEAT of your HEART this CHRISTMAS will radiate LOVE!"

" Merry Christmas...from our home to yours!"